promises like seeds of everything I could be promises like seeds of everything I could be

Monday, Apr. 04, 2005
I've been single for a month today.
A month of growing up and letting go. And maybe I'm happy now in a different way to when I was then. Or before then.

Who knows.

Live with no regrets. Not always easy, but I try.

Live the life you want, not the one you think you should. A struggle we all seem to be facing.

We're so young, what are we doing that makes us feel so hopeless?

Because we're not. Don't be crushed under pressure. Keep the faith, believe in yourselves. Still learning, always still learning, and next time we'll know better?

I'm doing okay. I'll face whatever's just around the corner with open arms.

I'm not afraid anymore.

I am shining smiles and flowery glows | and now that it's gone it's like it wasn't there at all

promises like seeds of everything I could be
did you miss?