An An

Monday, Aug. 11, 2003
Time for something more concrete perhaps? I think so.

So where am I now?

Learning to drive: Lesson three. I'm getting better. It's very scary. I have a tendancy to try and rush everything out of panic. And yeah, I panic a fair amount. Thankfully, my instructor is very patient...I'll get there. Went all the way to Stokenchurch today. Woohoo. Driving fast scares me. As does changing gear. Let's not forget lorries.

At home: Have grandparent's over. Currently have a 23 year old aunt staying with us as well. It's good for my mum. I'm starting to feel the strain of living under one roof with 7 other people, but I'm relatively solitary. We laugh a lot, which is good. I don't get out enough, however, which makes this summer somewhat lonelier than summers past.

AS levels: Results on Thursday. I'm really really really really hoping for something along the lines of what I was predicted. But possibly not. I was predicted: A-Drama, B's -English/History. C-Business studies.

However, I think Business studies went okay, so I'd love a B. May not get it, but I want it so much. History, may turn into a C, and I doubt I've got that A in drama, looks like a retake job. Am I worried? I'm not sure. I think I did my best on a fair few of then, so if they went badly I'd be really dissapointed. I'd feel awful about retaking exams when I already gave it my best shot.

Other than results, I haven't really done any work all summer. Have been trying to read for English Lit. Trying being the operative word. I'm too easily distracted, I hate sitting in one place for too long.

Friends: Many are away. Some arent. I'm seeing Vicki and Jen later, which will be nice. It's easy to feel isolated, but I'm fine. Friendship can be found in unexpected places, from unexpected people. "I don't need anyone in particular, as long as I have someone." A rejection of what I once argued against. Why? Because it's easier. One must adapt to situations; it's the only way to carry on.

amelioration | in unbroken virgin realities

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